Recently there has been increased court action against the FDA and the FTC (Federal Trade Commission). The FTC has recently lost a case against the LaneLabs company, who made some claims about their products. The court decided that the FTC's contention that those claims were false claims, was incorrect:
Meanwhile, the most well known attorney in the field of alternative medicine and health freedom, Jonathan Emord, has sued the FDA over censorship. The FDA, despite scientific evidence, withdrew 13 statements legal to make about vitamins C and E and cancer. The FDA's list of allowed statements is important, because if a statement is not on the list, it is likely to be considered "fraudulent" or it might "turn" a nutrient into a pharmaceutical product, if additional statements are made about it. Jonathan Emord contends that the FDA's action is in contempt of earlier court orders.
Before you read any more of this blog please Google the name of it's author "David P. Amrein" and the consumer protection agency the "Federal Trade Commission", e.g.[0]=bundle_name%3ACase